How to replace troublesome parts of item values using scanEZ’s Diff feature and a little bit of @formula
November 28, 2017Tips,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino
0 Comments9 Minutes
This tooltip post is sort of adjacent to the previous one, where I ran through how to use scanEZ’s Diff function as the launchpad for modifying an…
Here’s how to modify an item value in a whole bunch of documents. (Hint: It’s not as hard as it seems.)
September 19, 2017Tips,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino
0 Comments13 Minutes
Anyone who has worked in purchasing knows the importance of keeping accurate invoicing records. Even without going as far as bringing the “taxman”…
Got hundreds of email attachments to save? Here’s how I helped one user do exactly that.
July 6, 2017Tips,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino
0 Comments7 Minutes
Not too long ago, I was talking with a user about a situation that got me rather worried at first. But once I thought about it for a minute, I…
Guest Post: The Ytria/DOCOVA one-two punch for administration
June 15, 2016News and Events,Articles for Notes Domino
0 Comments9 Minutes
For this month’s Tech Lab article we are pleased to present this guest post from a fellow IBM Notes enthusiast and market peer Account…
New is now—EZ Suite 16 is finally here!
May 9, 2016News and Events,Articles for Notes Domino
0 Comments4 Minutes
It has been over 2 years since the Ytria “revolution” began. EZ Suite 12, released on March 27, 2014 ushered in the powerful addition of XML-based…
You can uncover replica inconsistencies in only 9 clicks—here’s how
March 10, 2016Tips,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino
0 Comments7 Minutes
We know that replication is designed to keep the content (among other aspects) of the different replicas of a database the same across sometimes a…