How to quickly restore large numbers of deleted Notes documents using scanEZ
January 16, 2013Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,Tips
9 Comments6 Minutes
A customer recently contacted us asking for help on an issue where one of her end-users deleted a large number of emails a few weeks earlier. An…
Introducing replicationEZ: a quick feature tour of Ytria’s multi-server replication management tool
December 5, 2012Articles for Notes Domino,Tutorials
2 Comments12 Minutes
Ytria replicationEZ, which was released back in August, represents a significant step in the evolution of the EZ Suite toolkit for Notes/Domino…
A quick way to find (and rid yourself of) duplicate Lotus Notes documents using scanEZ
October 29, 2012Articles for Notes Domino,Tips
2 Comments4 Minutes
A good number of the support questions we receive could be boiled down and paraphrased as: “Can Ytria software help me find and delete duplicates in…
Guest contributor Kim Greene explains how scanEZ helped fastrack the resolution of a calendar and scheduling (c&s) issue.
October 11, 2012Tips,Articles for Notes Domino,IBM Notes secrets
0 Comments6 Minutes
We’re excited to present this guest post by Kim Greene, President of Kim Greene Consulting, Inc. Kim is an expert on Domino administration and a…
An advanced scanEZ trick for performing a search-and-replace across a Lotus Notes database
October 11, 2012Articles for Notes Domino,Tips
4 Comments8 Minutes
A scanEZ user recently contacted us with this excellent question: “Is scanEZ able to search and replace a specific string within all documents of a…
Investigating private views, folders and agents in Lotus Notes applications
September 6, 2012Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,IBM Notes secrets
4 Comments17 Minutes
There’s little doubt that private design elements are powerful and flexible tools for Notes developers, but at the same time, managing them and…
Ytria tools grid user interface tips and tricks
June 27, 2012Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,Tips
0 Comments14 Minutes
A ‘grid’ interface is used extensively throughout the Ytria product line. On its surface, it’s a simple and intuitive means of displaying large…
The many and various ways of accessing Lotus Notes data with Ytria tools
May 16, 2012Articles for Notes Domino,Tips
0 Comments14 Minutes
If you’ve been using Ytria products for any length of time you’ve probably noticed that the tools are designed to run independently of your current…
Understanding Lotus Notes Parent/Response document hierarchy
March 7, 2012Technical Articles,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,IBM Notes secrets
7 Comments22 Minutes
The way that Lotus Notes manages document relationships is quite flexible and powerful but it’s also an area where you might encounter some…
Design element hiding: A quick way to gather complex selections of Lotus Notes views
January 9, 2012Articles for Notes Domino,Tips
0 Comments9 Minutes
The version 10 release of Ytria’s EZ Suite toolkit was a major upgrade that brought a veritable cavalcade of new features (and the more recent 10.5…
Better ways to explore/manage NAB groups and nested groups on Domino Servers using aclEZ
November 14, 2011Articles for Notes Domino,Tutorials
0 Comments6 Minutes
Lately we’ve heard from a number of customers who’ve been struggling with ever-more complicated group situations on their server NABs (Notes Address…
Get the last ‘lulz’: Verify Lotus Domino security with your Ytria toolkity
September 29, 2011Tips,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,Technical Articles
0 Comments13 Minutes
A spate of major digital security breaches have made worldwide headlines in the past year. In some cases, the cyber attacks were undertaken by…
Upgrading Lotus Notes folder/view designs: a scanEZ tutorial for advanced users
August 9, 2011Technical Articles,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,Code for Notes and Domino
0 Comments10 Minutes
We recently needed to update a number of folders in an internal application and found that scanEZ along with the undocumented ‘@UpdateViewDesign‘…
Lotus Notes Profile document management and troubleshooting with scanEZ
June 6, 2011Technical Articles,Tips,Tutorials,Articles for Notes Domino,IBM Notes secrets
4 Comments8 Minutes
Though scanEZ is very much a general purpose Lotus Notes and Domino database toolkit, folks often tell us that Profile document issues were what…
Introducing databaseEZ: The serverwide Lotus Notes database property manager
April 29, 2011Articles for Notes Domino,Tutorials
2 Comments10 Minutes
These are exciting times here at Ytria—we’ve recently released a new tool for Domino administrators. It’s called databaseEZ and it lets you see and…