How to Run Microsoft 365 Reports on Groups in Minutes
October 17, 2023Customer Stories,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments4 Minutes
Running reports on large Microsoft Office 365 groups can become an IT admin’s nightmare as too often, they require a lot of manual manipulation of…
How to Remove Multiple Members from Microsoft 365 Teams
October 15, 2023Customer Stories,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments5 Minutes
Microsoft 365 Teams can get pretty crowded. Teams are created every day, members are added too easily, rules aren’t always enforced, and no one…
How to find empty document libraries in your groups and teams Microsoft 365
December 7, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments4 Minutes
If you’ve ever asked yourself just how many of your Microsoft 365 Team site document libraries are just sitting empty, there are several ways…
Find the last date groups were emailed
October 1, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments4 Minutes
The buzz these days has been about controlling group sprawl in Microsoft 365 due to the popularity of Teams. This goes hand in hand with the…
Access rights enigmas explained—new tools for modern, server-wide ACL effective access administration
January 29, 2016Articles for Notes Domino,IBM Notes secrets,Technical Articles,Tips,Tutorials
0 Comments15 Minutes
Proper access rights management is a crucial aspect of security and compliance in any IT environment, yet the reality surrounding IBM Domino is that…
How to work effectively with your ACLs and ACL groups – Free Webcast on aclEZ best practices on June 12, 2013
May 31, 2013Articles for Notes Domino,News and Events
0 Comments1 Minutes
Unfortunately, the webcast on June 12th, 2013 on aclEZ best practices in discovering, analyzing and resolving issues with your ACLs and ACL groups is…