Microsoft 365 | Which users are storing music or video files on OneDrive?
October 16, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments3 Minutes
Schools and other organizations may adopt document storage policies in Microsoft 365 that prohibit students from storing certain types of files on…
Manage directly assigned licenses and group-based licenses in one place | Microsoft 365
October 8, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments5 Minutes
Since the introduction of group-based licensing by Microsoft a few years ago, enterprise-level organizations everywhere have leveraged this method of…
Adding non-members to Teams and private channels
October 7, 2020Using Microsoft Teams,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments5 Minutes
Organizations all over the world have adopted Microsoft 365 for its rich collaborative tools. The most famous is Microsoft Teams where both…
How to get notified when documents are deleted or modified in Teams?
October 2, 2020Using Microsoft Teams,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments3 Minutes
By default, any member of a team can create, modify, and delete a document within the team. So there may be times when you’d like to be notified…
How to restore a deleted document from Microsoft Teams?
October 2, 2020Using Microsoft Teams,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments2 Minutes
Microsoft Teams is a great tool for collaborating on documents and sharing them. In Teams each channel has a Files tab where you can create, upload,…
How to limit external sharing to specific users
October 2, 2020Microsoft 365 Admin,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments3 Minutes
When your organisation uses Microsoft 365, it’s very easy to share content with anyone in your company as well as with any external users (if allowed…
Find the last date groups were emailed
October 1, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments4 Minutes
The buzz these days has been about controlling group sprawl in Microsoft 365 due to the popularity of Teams. This goes hand in hand with the…
Find anonymously shared documents and folders, and remove permissions
September 29, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments3 Minutes
Watch how to do this with sapio365 Most organizations that adopt Microsoft 365 do so…
Review and quickly adjust licenses directly from usage reports
September 24, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments3 Minutes
Microsoft 365 License Management Microsoft 365 License Management is one of the most important topics for all organizations because it has a direct…
Download Teams meeting attendance list
September 24, 2020Using Microsoft Teams,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments3 Minutes
Recently I was asked if it was possible to have a list of the meeting participants from a Microsoft Teams meeting. The answer is yes! You can now…
See your SharePoint Online sites linked to Teams, private channels, Yammer, etc.
September 22, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments4 Minutes
Get an overall picture of SharePoint Online sites linked to Teams, private channels, Office 365 and Yammer groups Sometimes you just want to assess…
The wait is over – EZ Suite 20 is finally here!
September 3, 2020Articles for Notes Domino,News and Events
0 Comments2 Minutes
The wait ends with the release of EZ Suite 20 Ytria’s EZ Suite, already the most extensive toolkit for HCL Notes and Domino, has gone through some…
Find Teams with less than 2 owners
September 3, 2020sapio365 Productivity,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments5 Minutes
It’s common knowledge that Microsoft recommends a standard practice of maintaining at least 2 owners for every Team to make sure there is always…
Microsoft 365 Whiteboard app settings
August 29, 2020Microsoft 365 Admin,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
0 Comments4 Minutes
The Microsoft 365 Whiteboard (aka Office 365 Whiteboard) is an amazing tool to collaborate with your coworkers. Especially in today’s landscape…
Microsoft 365 Whiteboard App | Adding grid notes, lists, templates and documents
August 21, 2020Microsoft 365 Admin,Articles for Microsoft Office 365
1 Comment4 Minutes
The Microsoft 365 Whiteboard App (aka Office 365 Whiteboard) is a freeform digital canvas that allows you to create freely, collaborate in real time…