sapio365 v1.5 is here!
Update sapio365 today or download it below to experience a faster loading of users and groups, access Office 365 usage reports, collaborate with other admins in your tenant, delegate tasks on external tenants and lots more!
Top 4 new features
Discover who signed in with the Sign-ins report
This new module shows the login attempts in your tenant within the last 30 days – who tried to sign-in, when, from where, and if they were successful. You’ll even know if Multi Factor Authentication was used.
Search Audit logs for admin & use actions
Access audit log information not available in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center. See every user’s activity in one place using combinations of sorting, filter and grouping to organize your data.
Add more properties in Usage reports
Make your Office 365 usage reports richer by adding new column properties like department or country. Select from 39 user properties for user-based reports or from 8 group properties for group-related reports.
Transfer user or group properties to new submodules
Enrich submodule-type reports like group memberships or user licenses by adding more information to them. Select from 117 user properties or from group properties to transfer to new subsequent modules. Use the ‘Configure transferred columns’ button to manage your column preferences.
General additions and enhancements
Along with some minor fixes and improvements that smooth out the user experience, the following general changes are noteworthy because they have an important impact on how you use sapio365.
Added new ‘global’ Jobs in main window
Some jobs (like reports) can be run without making an initial grid selection so we’ve added them to the main page for quicker access.
Quick search in grid – new improved dialog
When you need to do a quick “Starts with” search, you simply press any key and start typing. We’ve added more explanations in the resulting dialog to clear things up.
Command line access to launch Jobs and automation processes
The ability to launch sapio365 and to run a main window job from a command prompt means that you can now do scheduled reporting using the Windows Task Manager. Use “application file” -j “job key”. Example: “C:\Program Files\Ytria\sapio365\sapio365” -j “Users/020-LicensesAssignedToDisabledAccounts.xml”
Load messages and events faster with date ranges and content options
It can get a little daunting when you’re waiting for messages to load for several mailboxes at once. You can now speed things up by setting a timeframe for past messages and by selecting to include only the content you need. If you need to get more messages, just click the ‘Get more messages’ button. You’ll find the same options for loading calendar events.
New column properties ‘Icon’ and ‘Extension’ added to attachment info in Messages & Events
With these two new columns, you can now filter or categorize message and event attachments by their extension or their representative icon.
Improved UI for cell explosions
It’s now simpler to manipulate and understand the consequences of exploding multi-value cells. Hovering on exploded cells now shows their related values.
Jobs can now be modified and added
Need to tweak an existing job? Simply download the XML file, open it up with a text processor like Notepad+ and make the script changes you need. Make sure to give it a unique name and upload it to your library. We’re working on the documentation to help you with script writing
Clarification of grouping counts in Grid
System-hidden rows are now omitted from grouped row counts to give you a clearer picture of the visible data. For example, group user licenses by user, and you’ll see that hidden service plans are no longer included in the categorization count.
Improvement of Column Map & reorganization of grid configuration options
The ‘Manage Grid Configuration’ button is now more accessible in the Manage tab. We’ve also cleaned up around it by moving the ‘Show Default Columns’ & ‘Show All Columns’ buttons as sub-options of the ‘Columns Map’ button.
Fixed UTC Time conversion issue
We fixed an issue on UTC Time conversions when getting UTC values from Graph API.
Improved display of UI on high resolution screens
We fixed several HDPI issues that prevented the proper display of data (tiny icons, etc.).
New Jobs Added
Find users who haven’t signed in since…
Launch this automation from the Sign-ins module or from the main window to find users who have signed-in during a specified date range, and then remove them from the full list of tenant users. You’re then left with users who have not signed in since that inputted date.
Add selected as owners to all groups
Make sure no group is left without owners; select users and run this job to add them as owners to a combination of all Office 365 groups, all distribution groups, all email-enabled security groups and all security groups.
What’s new in user management
UI improvement of Password Reset
We’ve moved the password column closer so you can see the new value of the password before saving your changes.
Faster loading of User License information
Loading licenses and service plans for selected users just became faster thanks to cached user license information.
OneNote files can now be managed in Users’ OneDrive module
OneNote files in OneDrive are now manageable like other documents. They can be downloaded, deleted or renamed.
New Jobs Added
Groups with no calendar events
Get a list of Office 365 groups with nothing scheduled in their calendar – one of several indications of group inactivity.
Groups with empty document library
Select this job to find Office 365 groups without any files in their SharePoint document library.
File queries for groups and sites
This job was only available in the file submodule of Groups and Sites. Now you can launch a query from the main Groups or Sites modules.
What’s new in group management
‘Archived Team’ state and ‘Team – Internal Id’ properties added – NEW
Two new column properties have been added to Groups: ‘Archived Team’ indicates if a team is archived and ‘Team – Internal Id’ is a unique identifier often handy when working with PowerShell or the Graph API.
Fixed ‘Add Guests’ property column
The “Add Guests” column gives you the overall state of each group when it comes to allowing owners to add guests. If you’ve enabled this setting for some Office 365 groups but not for others in an environment where adding guests is generally allowed, this column value is the calculated result of combining the tenant-level and group-level settings.
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