sapio365 2.1.4 – If you manage mail and calendars in Exchange Online you will love the latest features in sapio365!

The Ytria team has worked hard all summer to bring you some important feature additions in sapio365 version 2.1.4. Besides the new ability to edit messages and calendar events, we have added jobs that let you hard-delete multiple messages or events at once. We have also added a new type of comment that dynamically applies a JavaScript formula or value to all rows. And we have made loads of noticeable improvements like adding important options to features and cleaning up dialogs for more clarity and consistency. And of course, we have fixed several bugs like connection issues, bad filter syntax, unexpected grid behaviour and other small pesky problems.

Here are the notable highlights in this release:

• Bulk hard-delete messages and events from mailboxes and calendars.
• See which user accounts are on litigation hold, by whom, for how long and since when.
• Edit properties of calendar events (free status, even name, and more) and messages (subject, importance, etc).
• Access and search for hard-deleted messages in the Purges subfolder.
• Create Column Comments with a formula that is applied dynamically to all rows.


Edit event properties

Not happy with the subject of a user’s calendar event? Change it! You can now update events’ reminders, sensitivity, free status, importance, and other properties. Watch for more properties to edit in the next sapio365 release. Group events can also be edited.


Identify which messages are event-related

When you retrieve users’ emails, you now have the option to include Event information. You will be able to see which messages are responses, cancellations, etc. You will also see event information like who is the organizer, the event name and the start time.


Edit email messages

In addition to deleting email messages in Exchange Online, you can now edit them if you need to. Change message properties like ‘is draft’, ‘subject’, ‘classification’, etc.


Get users’ litigation hold information

Added mailbox Litigation Hold properties to the Users module. You will see which users are on litigation hold, for how long and by whom. This information can be loaded with ‘Load Mailbox Info’.


Retrieve contents of the ‘Purges’ mail folder

When you load messages and choose to include deletions, you will now be able to see content from users’ Purges folder (that’s where hard-deleted messages go right before they are gone forever!). So next time a user can’t find fan email, you can use sapio365 to search for it even in this subfolder which isn’t visible to end-users.


Search and add memberships without interruption

If you are looking to add 10 specific group memberships to your selected users but you have thousands of groups in your directory, you no longer must search and add one at a time. We have added a ‘bucket’ of sorts which allows you to select and add without closing the dialog. This improvement also applies to ‘Copy’ and ‘Move to’ dialogs and note that that the ‘Contains’ filter is now on Display Name instead of Principal name when moving or copying members.


Add memberships from a file

If you have a list of hundreds of groups that you need to add selected users to, you can now use that CSV or Excel file with our ‘Select from File’ feature which will let you map the columns of your file to the available directory data. This new button is also present when managing group members and owners and assigning admin roles.


Prefilter messages and events to the minute

Are you trying to search everyone’s messages received September 9, 2021 between 1:44 pm and 1:48 pm? Now you can with sapio365 since we have added a time field in our advanced filters. You can do the same when loading users’ calendar events.


Remove all licenses in one click

Managing bulk Microsoft 365 license assignments is already easier with sapio365, but some of our customers pushed us to do even better. If you have to unassign hundreds of licenses as part of your offboarding, you will be happy to know that you can do this by clicking one button instead of disabling each license, and you will see which licenses will be modified.



Edit select event properties

Just like for users’ calendar events, group events can now also be edited. Update events’ reminders, sensitivity, free status, importance, and other properties. More editable event properties are expected in the next sapio365 release.


Add members from a file

Group membership management via groups has also benefitted from our new option to select users from a file. This option is available when adding group members or owners or private channel members from a file in the Members, Owners and Private Channel Members modules respectively.


Search and add members or owners without interruption

Like most of the addition dialogs, the dialogs for adding group members or owners or private channel members have an intermediary selection process to allow you to search and add without closing the selection window. Double-click to remove from the selection. We have also changed it so that the “Contains” filter is now on Display Name instead of Principal name.


Manage owners and members of email-enabled security groups and distribution lists

Managing members of certain distribution groups and email-enabled security groups is currently not supported by Microsoft Graph APIs so we have added a workaround that would deal with that frustrating error message ” Bad Request: Unable to update the specified properties for objects that have originated within an external service”. Click on ‘Try with PowerShell’ to for a second attempt.


Prefilter group events to the minute

Just like you can retrieve users’ calendar events or messages to the nearest minute, you can now also retrieve groups’ calendar events with more precision. With the addition of the hour and minute fields in the date/time filter, you will be sure to narrow down your search as much as you need.


Group event attachments information is no longer supported

While this is not an added feature, we think it important to let you know that we have removed this feature because retrieving attachment information for group events is no longer supported by the Microsoft Graph APIs. But we remain hopeful that Microsoft Graph team will fix this one day!

Automation Jobs

NEW in Messages Job Center: Hard-delete selected messages

Use Microsoft’s search & purge tools directly from sapio365. The advantage is that you can see the messages that you want to delete, and you don’t have to limit yourself to 10. sapio365 marks the subject line of the selected messages and an automated script which creates and execute a Content Search in the Compliance Center takes care of the rest. All you need to do is pick the emails you wish to get rid of forever and run the job!


NEW in User Events Job Center: Hard-delete selected events

This job purges selected user events by creating and executing a Content Search in the Microsoft Compliance Center. The calendar owner will not be able to restore them. Additionally, this job ensures that no cancellation emails are sent out to attendees. In Microsoft 365, when an event is deleted in the organizers’ calendar, normally a cancellation notification is sent out to attendees. Use this job if you need to delete events silently. Simply select the user events you want to delete before clicking on the job in the Job Center of the Events module. If the event is in the organizer’s calendar, this automation will detect it and will “silence” it before purging it.


NEW in Groups Events Job Center: Hard-delete selected events

Just like for events in users’ calendars, this job purges selected group calendar events. Again, note that this job ensures that no cancellation emails are sent out to attendees if the purged event is in the calendar of the group that organized it. And remember that you can select to purge as many events as you wish!


NEW in User Events Job Center: Get ALL entries related to the selected calendar event

This job will help you clean up attendees’ response messages and events that are related to the event you select because it’s no longer needed or because it was created by mistake.
Restore Points with helpful comments are generated for affected mailboxes, user calendars and group calendars so that you can review and then decide which events and messages to delete or to keep.


Run a job only once

When you schedule a job, you can now run it once and forget about it. Don’t forget to remove it from My Jobs section after it has been executed!



Apply one formula in a comment for all rows

Column Comments are a new type of comments that ‘fill down’ whatever you enter to every row, whether it’s a text value or a JavaScript formula. Column Comments are free comments in that they are not based on any column, which means you can create as many as you like. In contrast, the original column-based comments are now called ‘Cell Comments’. Just like Cell Comments, Column comments can be permanent or temporary. Note that Column Comments do not have a history and can only be saved to Restore Points currently (they are not supported in Snapshots).


Export storage values from the grid as text

sapio365 supports various data formats, some of which are not supported by Excel or CSV, popular export destinations. We’ve added an option to export bytes values in sapio365 as text so that you can have that your Excel report on used storage space matches exactly what you see in sapio365.


Save grid changes in Restore Points created by others

You can now use Restore Points to mark changes before saving them for later or sending them to someone else who can save those changes to the server. To enable the Save buttons (or any other feature besides grid functions, you will to login to activate the session. Edition status in Restore Points is currently limited to the following modules: Users, Groups, Events, Messages, Group Members, Deleted Users, Deleted Groups, Admin Roles and Group Memberships.


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Sonia Bounardjian

Sonia is a sapio365 product specialist at Ytria. She was part of the initial development team that created sapio365. When she's not busy helping sapio365 users virtually or writing helpful articles in this blog, she's reorganizing her impressive collection of unused high heels.