June 2020
What's new in sapio365?
Hi there,
Deconfinement is starting but many employees are still working from home, and IT administration is still top of mind. The latest version of sapio365 has some new jobs that will help you tackle your Office 365 tasks, especially if you are concerned with security issues regarding the Giphy setting or how to better manage your Teams.
What you can NOW do with sapio365
Disable the Giphy setting in existing Teams
With this new job from sapio365, you can raise the bar in privacy protection. You’ll be able to disable the Giphy setting in your Teams – all of them at once, or pick only a few Teams. You’ll be able to do it with just a few clicks and no code! Read more….
Time for a Spring cleaning. With this new automated job, you’ll be able to list all your Teams that have guests and remove them. Then disable the setting at the same time to make sure no one is sharing private content. Read more…
Who’s been taking advantage of Teams to create new Teams, who may need more training to learn how to do so, and who is creating too many? This new job from sapio365 will let you identify the newest Teams sorted by the department of the Team’s creator. Read more…
With sapio365, you can solve problems,even those you didn't know you have.