sapio365 3.0.1
February 12 2025
What’s new in the latest version?
New features
- Added new points of entry to the Dashboard: Global Administrators (Users) and Hidden Membership Teams (Groups).
- Added the mailbox ‘Archive folder size’ property in the Users module, available by loading ‘Mailbox Info’.
- Added the property ‘Archive Status – Archival Details’ to the Sites modules to indicate the state of site archival if applicable.
- Added the email message size property in the Messages module.
- Added ability to load application owner information in the Applications module with the ‘Load Info’ button.
- Added ability to edit properties ‘Age Group’ and ‘Consent Provided’ For Minor in Users.
- Added ability to enable or disable a user’s mailbox archive status. It’s now a toggle under ‘Mailbox settings’ of the edition dialog in the Users module.
- Added company subscription properties in Licenses & Services plans. This includes the creation (purchase) date of the subscription, its expiration/renewal date and more.
- Added an option to enter a custom source anchor when setting on-premises settings (hybrid tenants).
- Added the on-premises property ‘Organizational Unit (OU)’ and the ability to update it in the Groups module.
- Added the option to restrict session elevation by users via a new role in sapio365 Access & Restrictions.
Miscellaneous improvements
- Improved saved and scheduled Quick GridView, Usage Reports and Business Reports with options to edit their settings and schedules.
- Improved Business Reports by adding the date of creation information for listed saved Business Reports and in Snapshots of Business Reports.
- Improved Usage Reports section with clearer terms and tooltips.
- Improved Views navigation with addition of a ‘Previous’ button to un-apply a View in grid modules.
- Improved Licenses & Services module by adding an option to hide or show service plans. Previously, service plans were always shown.
- Improvement ‘Create from file’ dialog in Users and in Groups modules with addition of ‘Common Values’ category, and made more options sticky.
- Improved Sites module by enabling of filtering and sorting on all rows except the root site.
- Improved the Chat submodule with the addition of ‘Hidden for all members’ property, and also added Reaction properties in the Chat Messages submodule.
- Improved ‘Some entries have been skipped’ dialog with an option to show the file in File Explorer. This applies to features “Create Users”, “Update Users”, “Create Groups”, “Update Groups”, “Select From file” and “Filter from file”.
- Improved messaging for Partner Access sessions in the case where the sapio365 application is not yet present on the customer tenant.
- Improved running sapio365 in multi-user (Windows) environment by making the ‘Current release notes’ visible for all users.
- Improved OneDrive submodule by disabling the buttons to add files or folders for users without an existing drive.
- Improved terms about including or excluding licenses in reports in the License & Services module.
Miscellaneous general fixes
- Fixed issue caused by broken versions of Exchange Online PowerShell modules (3.7.1 and 3.7.0). sapio365 now installs version 3.6.0 if the module requires installation.
- Fixed issue where grouping data, and then sorting by the Grouping Total (ex. Maximum) of a date column was not working.
- Fixed Freeze Point issue where ‘Login’ wasn’t working.
- Fixed issue in Quick GridView where a newly created View was not listed.
- Fixed counter issue in the dashboard for sites and personal sites where counters never end if there are more than 999 entries.
- Fixed issue where Mailbox Usage and Copilot Reports were only using 7 days for all other date range options.
- Fixed crash caused by loading a session while a saved Business Report is open.
- Fixed issue in Users where changes to the Archive Warning Quota and Archive Quota values were not saved.
- Fixed scheduling issue where a monthly task on the 8th day could not be scheduled.
- Fixed issue in Users where the Password column mapping was not sticky for the ‘Create Users’ feature.
- Fixed filtering issue by setting ‘Site’ as default in the ‘Hierarchy Filter Setting’ in the Personal Sites module.
- Fixed issue of Business Reports windows listed in the Open Windows Grid even after they are closed.
- Fixed windows arrangement issue for Business Reports windows listed in Backstage -> Open Windows.
- Fixed issue in Usage Reports where in ‘Select Extra Info from cache’ section it showed ‘1 field selected’ when no fields are selected.
- Fixed issue of not being able to add more email recipients for the feature ‘Create Report, export it and send it’ in Quick GridView and Usage Reports.
- Fixed refresh issue in OneDrive where deleting the last item from a user’s OneDrive also removed the user from that grid.
- Fixed issue in the Address Book dialog where clicking ‘Refresh’ was taking longer than expected.
- Fixed crash caused by closing the Address Book during a ‘Load full directory’.
- Fixed issue in OneDrive module where exploded file permissions displayed inaccurate counters (ex. 1 of 0).
- Fixed issue in OneDrive module where ‘ghost’ entries were displayed after deleting multilevel folders with documents.
- Fixed refresh issue in OneDrive module where the refresh button triggered an irrelevant dialog to refresh extra loaded info.
- Fixed issue in OneDrive module where an irrelevant message was shown when deleting files or folders.
- Fixed issue where ‘Current release notes’ menu was shown when an update is available.
- Fixed issue where removing a user from a sapio365 admin role was not possible when collaboration is set on a SQL Server.
- Fixed missing load options for Personal Sites in Quick GridView.
sapio365 3.0
December 20 2024
What’s new in the latest version?
New features
- Major rebranding of sapio365 includes a brand new look with a Dashboard, Business Reports, and Reports (from Views). Learn what’s new on this page.
- Deprecated ‘Standard Session’. Existing RBAC roles can be chosen from a ‘User Session’ (previously known as ‘Advanced Session’).
- Made compatible with National Cloud deployments like GCC High.
- Added the ability to assign multiple sapio365 RBAC credentials to one role to manage multiple tenants more effectively.
- Added the ability to add sapio365 RBAC credentials based on customer contracts (Managed Service Providers).
- Added ability to manage devices, device owners or registered users in Devices module. You can now edit devices, see device owners and manage them, or load registered users for selected devices, and manage them.
- Added entry points for Personal Sites (OneDrive), filtered Personal Sites and filtered SharePoint Online sites (available in Elevated or App sessions only).
- Added Copilot Usage Report to Usage Reports options.
- Added filtered entry points for Registered Applications, Registered Devices and Service Principals.
- Added ‘Teams team activity’ usage report for statistics of how Teams are being used.
- Added the ability to manage the relevance of licenses in License And Service Plans. Once set, license relevance will be shown in related views with columns ‘Is Assigned An Included License’ and ‘Inclusion – Assigned Licenses’.
Automated Tasks (Jobs) and Views
- Several Jobs have been replaced with system Views which can be executed or scheduled from the Quick GridView and Usage Reports sections in the new sapio365 user interface. See the list of new Views on this page. Deprecated Jobs, new Jobs and improvements are listed on this page. Jobs, Views and Business Reports will be now be published and made available independently of the sapio365 version.
Miscellaneous general fixes and improvements
- Improved PowerShell-based features by connecting to MSOL only if requesting MFA info, and clearer pre-authentication dialog content.
- Improved Partner Access session with better handling of PowerShell Exchange.
- Improved the grid refresh process in Users and Groups with options to include various additionally loaded values, including on-premises data. The refresh will only be applied to entries whose Entra attributes have been modified.
- Improved on-premises submodules by adding ‘on-prem’ to their title.
- Improved custom views with ability to save filter settings, expansion states and temporary column comments which can be used for calculated values.
- Improved setting on-premises AD connection parameters with the option to omit storing the on-premises password.
- Replaced term ‘Restore Point’ by ‘Freeze Point’.
- Renamed ‘Column Map’ button to ‘Show/Hide columns…’, and added ‘Hide selected column’ in the Grid Tools & Option right-click menu.
- Improved Admin Audit Logs module with addition of ‘Target Management’ section in ribbon to enable access to details of the selected log’s target Users, Groups, Service Principals, Applications and Devices.
- Improved Devices module with addition of property ‘On Premises Security Identifier’.
- Improved Calendar View dialog when loading events where Start and End date/time are validated.
- Improved dialogs with selection from a directory by preventing live filtering of the list when selecting object filters.
- Improved dialogs with True/False toggles by replacing the terms to Yes/No respectively.
- Improved the process of launching a NEW window by not asking about pending changes that are present in the current one.
- Improved features ‘Select from File’ and ‘Filter from File’ with an option to generate an Excel file with entries that could not be matched (skip list).
- Improved grid where license information is present with addition of default license SKU prices to populate license unit costs in the grid. These can be overwritten by the user.
- Improved the password criteria for exporting sapio365 data as part of the ‘Transfer sapio365 data’ feature. Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least two of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
- Improved dialog options everywhere to remain sticky and remember the last options used.
- Improved access to Preferences section (in main window) from every module with a shortcut section in their backstage.
- Improved Partner Access with addition of ‘Copy customer admin consent URL to clipboard’ option in submenu of ‘Create New Session’. This URL can be shared to each customer to obtain consent for the sapio365 application.
- Improved ‘Filtered Users’ and ‘Filtered Groups’ with more filter options.
- Improved managing columns in the ‘Show/Hide Columns’ dialog with the addition of separate buttons to show or hide all comment columns.
- Replaced the term “Yammer” by “Viva Engage” in dialogs.
- Improved value filter applied on a grouped column header that has been hidden. Previously, the values listed were blank.
- Improved grid filters with options to retain only empty value cells and a cut-off filter for future date values (ex. expiration dates).
- Improved value filters by listing unique values when there are multivalue cells.
- Added new permissions ‘CrossTenantInformation.ReadBasic.All’, ‘OrgContact.Read.All’ and ‘GroupMember.ReadWrite.All’ to the sapio365 application.
- Removed automatic prompt to elevate a newly created session for global admins.
- Improved multi-tenant management using a collaborative sapio365 license by giving the ability to manage all its registered tenants, including those not initially configured on the local machine.
- Improved Views with the addition of managing favourites and where they are exported to.
- Improved Views with the inclusion of saving an exploded state, hierarchy filter settings, temporary comment columns, module-specific states (ex. “Show Plans”), applied grouping expansion level and a single view edition dialog combining all settings.
- Improved Job management by adding ‘Preset Details’ in the Jobs grid (advanced view). This includes the email and the session.
- Improved ‘Transfer sapio365 data’ by indicating if the entered password is invalid. Previously, if an incorrect password was given, the importing process continued unsuccessfully and show a success status.
- Fixed ‘Transfer sapio365 data’ issue where the sapio365 data folder reverted to showing the one set in preferences after importing data to a different folder from another session.
- Fixed private Comments issue there they were read-only.
- Fixed regression in Files module where grid was empty after saved deleting files.
- Fixed issue where dollar sign ($) needed to be escaped in all PowerShell requests (ex. on-prem password resets).
- Fixed issue when using multiple monitors where the sapio365 startup splashscreen was always shown on the primary screen even though the last known position was on a secondary screen.
- Fixed issue where ‘Save All’ did not work when changes were filtered out or hidden.
- Fixed issue where combining “Hide empty groups” and “Hide single-entry groups” did not work properly in a grid with multiple grouping levels.
- Fixed issue in the Comment dialog where it was unable to process an empty formula result.
- Fixed regression in 3 group submodules where there was missing data in Hierarchy view: Group Site Lists, Group Conversation Posts and Channel Site Lists.
- Fixed regression where some backstage pages were not shown in specific cases.
- Fixed regression that caused sapio365 to crash when clicking on ‘Toggle Debug Mode” while in a role-session.
- Fixed issue where updating an existing SQL server cache connection for a sapio365 RBAC resulted in a silent error.
- Fixed issue where the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F10 did not list multi-values in the ‘Multivalue viewer’.
- Fixed unexpected grid behaviour when multivalues are first value-filtered, then grouped. Previously, entries were not categorized for each remaining value.
- Fixed grid behaviour where group count was not taking account exploded rows.
- Fixed issue where applying a view which does not include columns that require additional prompted a dialog to choose to load info.
- Fixed issue where applying a saved view that included a grouping total and sorted by the total, it did not list the column under ‘Sorted by Total’.
- Fixed issue where ending a drag and drop on the Property Viewer area expanded that section.
- Fixed issue where saving a view with multi-values grouped and filtered resulted in no grid data being shown because the multi-values were left unexploded.
- Fixed issue where saving a view that includes sorting or grouping, or filters with the Replace option resulted in the removal of all sorting or grouping, or filters.
- Fixed cause of crash when saving a view as ‘Replace’ in the Users Licenses submodule.
- Fixed issue where the sorting, grouping, filtering of hidden column were not saved to a view.
- Fixed issue in ‘SharePoint site usage report’ that was due to Microsoft change regarding concealed data in usage reports. Previously only one row was visible.
- Moved on-prem user attributes ‘MemberOf’, ‘PrimaryGroup’ from Mandatory to Advanced category in the selection dialog when loading on-prem users. ‘adminCount’ was moved to the Mandatory category, and ‘AccountExpirationDate’, ‘Created’ and ‘Modified’ were moved to the Common category.
- Improved creating on-prem users directly and from file with the option to set their Organizational Unit (OU), and made the dialog content consistent for both.
- Improved assigned license information with addition of columns ‘Is Assigned An Included License’ and ‘Inclusion – Effective Assigned Licenses’ based on settings in License And Service Plans.
- Improved Users and Deleted Users views by removing the value ‘– Unlicensed –‘ for users without licenses assigned.
- Improved Users view with addition of property ‘Retention Policy’ retrieved by loading ‘Mailbox info’.
- Improved Users view with clearer term ‘Revoke Session Tokens’ replacing ‘Revoke Access’.
- Improved Users view with addition of “Last sign-in” related properties ‘lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime’ and ‘lastSuccessfulSignInRequestId’ retrieved by loading ‘Additional Info’.
- Improved user management with the addition of options to change selected users’ username, email domain, their list of email aliases and Litigation hold status.
- Improved Users view with the addition of user registration and authentication method report properties retrieved from loading ‘Additional Info’.
- Fixed issue where there was an error and missing user data when retrieving Chats from deleted users.
- Moved on-prem group attributes ‘Members’ and ‘MemberOf’ from Mandatory to Advanced category in the selection dialog when loading on-prem groups. ‘adminCount’ was moved to the Mandatory category, and ‘Created’ and ‘Modified’ were moved to the Common category.
- Improved Group Members view with the ability to retrieve and manage members that are Service Principals Microsoft 365 or security groups.
- Improved Channel submodules with the addition of the channel column property ‘External’ to indicate if channel is external to the organization.
- Improved Channels module with the addition of properties ‘createdDateTime’ and ‘isArchived’.
- Improved Channels and Channel Members modules with the addition of the tenant name of external channels or members. This information can be loaded with ‘Additional Info’.
- Improved dialog for adding channel members by listing Teams information next to the selected channels’ names.
- Improved group creation with option to create a Team when creating a Microsoft 365 group.
- Improved Groups submodules by automatically including property ‘Is synced on-prem’.
- Improved Groups view by removing the value ‘– Unlicensed –‘ for groups without licenses assigned.
- Improved Groups view by adding the ‘License Unit Cost’ column, and improved assigned license information with addition of columns ‘Is Assigned An Included License’ and ‘Inclusion – Assigned Licenses’ based on settings in License And Service Plans.
- Fixed issue where duplicates were listed in the on-prem groups list when adding on-prem users to groups in the ‘on-prem Group Memberships’ module.
- Fixed issue in Channels Messages grid where the Flat view was showing the same data as the Hierarchy view.
- Fixed issue where editing a group doubles the owner which creates a modification state that could not be saved and is shown in a yellow saved state.
- Fixed issue where saving the modified display name of a Distribution list or a Mail-enabled security group modifies the Exchange Name instead of the DisplayName property.
- Fixed issue where the ‘On-premises sync enabled’ value is lost when loading group members.
- Added new automation tags and fixed various automation issues, listed in our help documentation: