Views History

February 12 2025

New and updated Views

‘Reset Grid’ options are now sticky.
All Ytria default Views are now ‘Replace’.

Licenses & services
Ytria defaultUpdated: added subscription creation and renewal dates.
Service plansUpdated: added subscription creation and renewal dates.
Users -> Licenses
Pending service plansUpdated: applied 'Show Plans' state.
Users with service plans assigned in the last 30 days
Updated: applied 'Show Plans' state.
Users -> Chats -> Chat Messages
Mentions and reactionsUpdated: adjusted for new reaction column.

January 16 2025

Unlicensed users List user accounts, including guests, who do not have any license assigned. Filter is applied on Effective Assigned Licenses.
Shared mailboxesAccounts filtered on 'Mailbox Type' for 'shared' value.
LicensedUsers with at least 1 Microsoft license assigned. Filter applied on 'Effective Assigned Licenses'.
Has OneDrive available (unlicensed)List user accounts that are not licensed for OneDrive. You must indicate all irrelevant licenses as 'Excluded' in Licenses & Plans beforehand. Filters are applied on properties for 'assigned included licenses' and 'storage total'.
Ownerless sites, including Orphan sitesList only sites without an owner (owner does not exist in Entra). Filtered on Doc Library Owner GUID for empty values.
Multiple sites by owner, inclu. duplicatesSites grouped by site owner, with single entries filtered out. Sites with multiple libraries are also filtered out using a filter on Multivalue index.
Less than 10% storage availableSites filtered on the calculated percentage of available storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Total Storage' equaling less than 10%. Empty values are also filtered out.
Groups -> Channels -> Files
Channels created in the last 7 days (updated)Show channel creation date, and filter to show channels created in the 7 days.

December 11 2024

Groups -> Channels
Private channelsValue filter on Channel Type column for private channels.
Channels created in the last 7 daysShow channel creation date, and filter to show channels created in the 7 days.
Roles and Administrators
Admin roles by user, group and service principalCategorization of roles by the Member Display Name column.
Groups -> Channels -> Files
Created in the last 7 daysFiles filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter.
Filtered by extensionOnly mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view.
Anonymously shared filesFiles that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'anonymous'.
Shared internally with a linkFiles that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'internal'.
0-byte filesDocument files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0.
Groups -> Files
Created in the last 7 daysFiles filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter.
Filtered by extensionOnly mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view.
Shared internally with a linkFiltered by Share Type containing 'internal' string.
Anonymously shared filesFiles that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'anonymous'.
0-byte filesDocument files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0.
Sites -> Files
0-byte filesSite library document files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0.
Shared internally with a linkFiltered by Share Type containing 'internal' string.
Filtered by extensionOnly mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view.
Created in the last 7 daysFiles filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter.
Anonymously shared filesFiltered by Share Type containing 'anonymous' string.
Users -> OneDrive Files
Anonymously shared filesFiles that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'anonymous'.
Created in the last 7 daysFiles filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter.
Filtered by extensionOnly mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view.
Shared internally with a linkFiltered by Share Type containing 'internal' string.
Shared filesFiles that are shared filtered by a value filter on the 'Shared' column property.
0-byte filesDocument files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0.
Groups -> Events
Created in the last 7 days
Users -> Events
Created in the last 7 daysCalendar events filtered on their creation date within the last 7 days.
Email domains of organizer and attendees in one columnAdd a comment column displaying only the email domain of the event organizer and the attendees.
Expires in the next 7 daysM365 groups filtered by 'Expire On' falling within the next 7 days.
Domains of Email and SMTP Adress in one columnGrouped by added comment containing the domain of Email and SMTP Address values.
Hybrid - Domains of SMTP and on-prem Proxy addresses in one columnGrouped synced (filtered) groups by an added comment column containing the domains of SMTP and on-prem Proxy addresses.
Teams with less than 2 ownersFiltered on 'Is a Team'=true and calculated comment column 'Number of owners' counting the occurrence of '@' in the list of owners.
Memberless groupsAll group types filtered on 'Members' equaling 0.
Ownerless AND memberless groupsAll group types filtered on 'Members' and on a calculated comment column of a count of owners with that contain '@', both equaling 0.
Groups with guest ownersFiltered on 'Owner Types' containing 'guest'.
Teams with channels managed by membersGroups filtered by 'is Team' with addition of calculated comment column evaluating the state of 3 Teams member settings on channel management.
Users -> Licenses
Pending service plansService plans filtered on 'License status' containing 'pending'.
Users with service plans assigned in the last 30 daysGrouped by User Display Name and License, this View displays the most recent service plan assignement date for each category. A filter is applied on 'Service Assigned Date' to only see plans assigned in the last 30 days.
Users by assigned and unassigned licensesGrouping of both assigned and unassigned licenses by 'License' and by the 'License Status'.
By disabled service planGroup users by service plans, filtering on 'Service Status' equaling 'disabled'.
Users-> Messages
Emails with ZIP or EXE attachmentFiltered on the attachment type 'Icon' with a Regular Expression, grouped by mailbox.
Date of last email sent and receivedGrouping by mailbox owner and 'Folder Path', with a filter on Sent and Inbox folders, show the date of the most current email in each folder.
Domains of all email addresses in one columnAdd a comment column displaying only the domain of the sender and all recipients (TO, CC, BCC).
Emails sent in the last 7 daysMessages grouped by mailbox filtered on 'Created On" equaling the last 7 days and filtered on 'Folder Path' containing 'Sent'.
Usage Reports
Mailbox usage - Less than 10% storage left before warningFiltered on calculated percentage of available mailbox storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Issue Warning quota' equaling 10% or less. Empty vaules are also filtered out.
Email activity - Less than 1 email sent per dayFiltered by comment column value calculation based on 'Send Count' and 'Report Period' values equaling less than 1.
M365 active users - No activity in the last yearGrouped by formatted 'Last Activity date' and filtered out active accounts in the last year.
M365 groups activity - Less than 10% SharePoint storage availableFiltered on calculated percentage of available storage based on values of 'SharePoint storage used' column and 1 Terabyte limit. Empty vaules are also filtered out.
M365 groups activity - With external membersFiltered on 'External Members' values not equal to 0.
OneDrive usage - Less than 10% available storageFiltered on calculated percentage of available OneDrive storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Storage Allowed' equaling 10% or less. Empty vaules are also filtered out.
SharePoint site usage - Less than 10% available storageFiltered on calculated percentage of available SharePoint storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Storage Allocated' equaling 10% or less. Empty vaules are also filtered out.
Teams teams activity - With 0 active usersTeams filtered on 'Active Users' equaling 0, and grouped by 'Last Activity Date'.
SharePoint activity - Shared files externallyFiltered on 'Shared Externally' values not equal to 0.
OneDrive activity - Shared files externallyFiltered on 'Shared Externally' values not equal to 0.
Teams user activity - Video Duration in Hours, Minutes, SecondsSort by Video Duration in seconds and add column comment converting value to a Hours, Minutes, Seconds text format.
Users with sign-in errors by citySign-ins filtered on 'Username' and 'Status' grouped by date and city.
User registration details (Authentication Methods)Information on Microsoft Entra authentication capabilities such as multifactor authentication (MFA), Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR), and Passwordless authentication.
Users by auto-reply statusUser accounts categorized by their 'Status - Automatic Replies".
Users with configured SMTP forwardingUser accounts filtered by 'SMTP forwarding' set to non-empty values.
Users without a managerUser accounts filtered on 'Manager' with an empty value.
Users blocked from signing in, with licensesLicensed user accounts filtered by 'Sign-in status' equal to 'Blocked'.
Hybrid - Domains of Username and on-prem User Principal Name in one columnGrouped synced (filtered) users by an added comment column containing the domains of Username in Entra ID and on-prem AD User Principal Name values.
Domains of Email, Aliases and other Mails in one columnGroup users by an added comment column containing the domains of Email, Aliases and other Mails values.
Email, Aliases and other Mails in one columnAdded comment column containing Email, Aliases and other Mails values.
By license locationUser accounts grouped by "Location for License Usage" and by "Country" to check for discrepancies.