Views History
February 12 2025
New and updated Views
‘Reset Grid’ options are now sticky.
All Ytria default Views are now ‘Replace’.
View | Description |
Licenses & services | |
Ytria default | Updated: added subscription creation and renewal dates. |
Service plans | Updated: added subscription creation and renewal dates. |
Users -> Licenses | |
Pending service plans | Updated: applied 'Show Plans' state. |
Users with service plans assigned in the last 30 days | Updated: applied 'Show Plans' state. |
Users -> Chats -> Chat Messages | |
Mentions and reactions | Updated: adjusted for new reaction column. |
January 16 2025
View | Description |
Users | |
Unlicensed users | List user accounts, including guests, who do not have any license assigned. Filter is applied on Effective Assigned Licenses. |
Shared mailboxes | Accounts filtered on 'Mailbox Type' for 'shared' value. |
Licensed | Users with at least 1 Microsoft license assigned. Filter applied on 'Effective Assigned Licenses'. |
Has OneDrive available (unlicensed) | List user accounts that are not licensed for OneDrive. You must indicate all irrelevant licenses as 'Excluded' in Licenses & Plans beforehand. Filters are applied on properties for 'assigned included licenses' and 'storage total'. |
Sites | |
Ownerless sites, including Orphan sites | List only sites without an owner (owner does not exist in Entra). Filtered on Doc Library Owner GUID for empty values. |
Multiple sites by owner, inclu. duplicates | Sites grouped by site owner, with single entries filtered out. Sites with multiple libraries are also filtered out using a filter on Multivalue index. |
Less than 10% storage available | Sites filtered on the calculated percentage of available storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Total Storage' equaling less than 10%. Empty values are also filtered out. |
Groups -> Channels -> Files | |
Channels created in the last 7 days (updated) | Show channel creation date, and filter to show channels created in the 7 days. |
December 11 2024
View | Description |
Groups -> Channels | |
Private channels | Value filter on Channel Type column for private channels. |
Channels created in the last 7 days | Show channel creation date, and filter to show channels created in the 7 days. |
Roles and Administrators | |
Admin roles by user, group and service principal | Categorization of roles by the Member Display Name column. |
Groups -> Channels -> Files | |
Created in the last 7 days | Files filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter. |
Filtered by extension | Only mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view. |
Anonymously shared files | Files that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'anonymous'. |
Shared internally with a link | Files that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'internal'. |
0-byte files | Document files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0. |
Groups -> Files | |
Created in the last 7 days | Files filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter. |
Filtered by extension | Only mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view. |
Shared internally with a link | Filtered by Share Type containing 'internal' string. |
Anonymously shared files | Files that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'anonymous'. |
0-byte files | Document files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0. |
Sites -> Files | |
0-byte files | Site library document files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0. |
Shared internally with a link | Filtered by Share Type containing 'internal' string. |
Filtered by extension | Only mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view. |
Created in the last 7 days | Files filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter. |
Anonymously shared files | Filtered by Share Type containing 'anonymous' string. |
Users -> OneDrive Files | |
Anonymously shared files | Files that are filtered on 'Share Type' containing 'anonymous'. |
Created in the last 7 days | Files filtered on the creation date with a 7-day cut-off filter. |
Filtered by extension | Only mp4 or pst files are shown in this example view. You can add or modify filters before saving a new view. |
Shared internally with a link | Filtered by Share Type containing 'internal' string. |
Shared files | Files that are shared filtered by a value filter on the 'Shared' column property. |
0-byte files | Document files filtered on 'File Size' equaling 0. |
Groups -> Events | |
Created in the last 7 days | |
Users -> Events | |
Created in the last 7 days | Calendar events filtered on their creation date within the last 7 days. |
Email domains of organizer and attendees in one column | Add a comment column displaying only the email domain of the event organizer and the attendees. |
Groups | |
Expires in the next 7 days | M365 groups filtered by 'Expire On' falling within the next 7 days. |
Domains of Email and SMTP Adress in one column | Grouped by added comment containing the domain of Email and SMTP Address values. |
Hybrid - Domains of SMTP and on-prem Proxy addresses in one column | Grouped synced (filtered) groups by an added comment column containing the domains of SMTP and on-prem Proxy addresses. |
Teams with less than 2 owners | Filtered on 'Is a Team'=true and calculated comment column 'Number of owners' counting the occurrence of '@' in the list of owners. |
Memberless groups | All group types filtered on 'Members' equaling 0. |
Ownerless AND memberless groups | All group types filtered on 'Members' and on a calculated comment column of a count of owners with that contain '@', both equaling 0. |
Groups with guest owners | Filtered on 'Owner Types' containing 'guest'. |
Teams with channels managed by members | Groups filtered by 'is Team' with addition of calculated comment column evaluating the state of 3 Teams member settings on channel management. |
Users -> Licenses | |
Pending service plans | Service plans filtered on 'License status' containing 'pending'. |
Users with service plans assigned in the last 30 days | Grouped by User Display Name and License, this View displays the most recent service plan assignement date for each category. A filter is applied on 'Service Assigned Date' to only see plans assigned in the last 30 days. |
Users by assigned and unassigned licenses | Grouping of both assigned and unassigned licenses by 'License' and by the 'License Status'. |
By disabled service plan | Group users by service plans, filtering on 'Service Status' equaling 'disabled'. |
Users-> Messages | |
Emails with ZIP or EXE attachment | Filtered on the attachment type 'Icon' with a Regular Expression, grouped by mailbox. |
Date of last email sent and received | Grouping by mailbox owner and 'Folder Path', with a filter on Sent and Inbox folders, show the date of the most current email in each folder. |
Domains of all email addresses in one column | Add a comment column displaying only the domain of the sender and all recipients (TO, CC, BCC). |
Emails sent in the last 7 days | Messages grouped by mailbox filtered on 'Created On" equaling the last 7 days and filtered on 'Folder Path' containing 'Sent'. |
Usage Reports | |
Mailbox usage - Less than 10% storage left before warning | Filtered on calculated percentage of available mailbox storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Issue Warning quota' equaling 10% or less. Empty vaules are also filtered out. |
Email activity - Less than 1 email sent per day | Filtered by comment column value calculation based on 'Send Count' and 'Report Period' values equaling less than 1. |
M365 active users - No activity in the last year | Grouped by formatted 'Last Activity date' and filtered out active accounts in the last year. |
M365 groups activity - Less than 10% SharePoint storage available | Filtered on calculated percentage of available storage based on values of 'SharePoint storage used' column and 1 Terabyte limit. Empty vaules are also filtered out. |
M365 groups activity - With external members | Filtered on 'External Members' values not equal to 0. |
OneDrive usage - Less than 10% available storage | Filtered on calculated percentage of available OneDrive storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Storage Allowed' equaling 10% or less. Empty vaules are also filtered out. |
SharePoint site usage - Less than 10% available storage | Filtered on calculated percentage of available SharePoint storage based on 'Storage used' and 'Storage Allocated' equaling 10% or less. Empty vaules are also filtered out. |
Teams teams activity - With 0 active users | Teams filtered on 'Active Users' equaling 0, and grouped by 'Last Activity Date'. |
SharePoint activity - Shared files externally | Filtered on 'Shared Externally' values not equal to 0. |
OneDrive activity - Shared files externally | Filtered on 'Shared Externally' values not equal to 0. |
Teams user activity - Video Duration in Hours, Minutes, Seconds | Sort by Video Duration in seconds and add column comment converting value to a Hours, Minutes, Seconds text format. |
s | |
Users with sign-in errors by city | Sign-ins filtered on 'Username' and 'Status' grouped by date and city. |
Users | |
User registration details (Authentication Methods) | Information on Microsoft Entra authentication capabilities such as multifactor authentication (MFA), Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR), and Passwordless authentication. |
Users by auto-reply status | User accounts categorized by their 'Status - Automatic Replies". |
Users with configured SMTP forwarding | User accounts filtered by 'SMTP forwarding' set to non-empty values. |
Users without a manager | User accounts filtered on 'Manager' with an empty value. |
Users blocked from signing in, with licenses | Licensed user accounts filtered by 'Sign-in status' equal to 'Blocked'. |
Hybrid - Domains of Username and on-prem User Principal Name in one column | Grouped synced (filtered) users by an added comment column containing the domains of Username in Entra ID and on-prem AD User Principal Name values. |
Domains of Email, Aliases and other Mails in one column | Group users by an added comment column containing the domains of Email, Aliases and other Mails values. |
Email, Aliases and other Mails in one column | Added comment column containing Email, Aliases and other Mails values. |
By license location | User accounts grouped by "Location for License Usage" and by "Country" to check for discrepancies. |