Collaboration is great…
but is it putting your organization at risk?

Microsoft 365 provides users with a lot of capabilities but sometimes these same capabilities open the door to elevated risks. sapio365 gives you the visibility to lower risk effectively by identifying the most common yet risky practices.

Make sure collaboration doesn’t threaten security

While the use of collaborative tools is meant to increase productivity, it can have an unexpected negative impact on security within the organization. Simple and common ways of collaborating with your colleagues, from sharing documents to delegating tasks can be tough for IT admins to control due to lack of visibility.

How sapio365
reduces security risks

React quickly to common user access problems

Find weak multi‑factor authentication

Make sure your users are signing in securely using approved Microsoft Office 365 multi factor authentication methods. You can use sapio365 to quickly pinpoint users with weak MFA methods, even if you have thousands of users in your environment.

Update MFA settings

Once identified, sapio365 makes it easy to reset weak MFA methods with just a few clicks and no PowerShell scripting. Get all the details on how to how to eliminate MFA gaps.

Revoke user access

If you need to revoke user access to selected employees, as part of an offboarding process, sapio365 allows you to do this in much less time. You can even automate the process to make sure no steps are forgotten that could cause security issues.

“I just tried PowerShell last week to disable almost 200 users in bulk instead of doing it manually. I spent like four hours trying to disable those accounts using PowerShell. Then I thought, you know what, maybe I should try sapio365. And we did it quickly in couple of clicks. I would say maybe like 10 to 15 minutes.”

Fatima Aboubkr, CRDF Global

Control security issues
associated with Exchange Online

See if emails are being forwarded

Security issues often revolve around how employees use email. For example, users may decide to forward their messages to external email addresses. With sapio365, admins can find all users who have configured SMTP forwarding emails quickly and easily.

Search for hidden inbox rules

Admins can also use sapio365 to find users who may have made individual inbox rules that have been forgotten or conflict with each other. Sapio365 makes it easy to find hidden or forgotten inbox rules, without the need for PowerShell.

Finding problematic emails

When suspicious emails need to be located, sapio365 empowers admins to drill deep down into user inboxes, directories and even into folders that are invisible to the user, such as recoverable items folders. Read how to find a specific email here.

Manage access in Teams and groups

Control external guests’ access to documents

When external guests are invited to join Microsoft Teams and groups, they may be granted unintended access to sensitive documents. To ensure sensitive documents remain confidential, admins can find and remove external guests in just one click with sapio365.

Remove Teams or group members

As the number of Teams grows, it can become difficult to manage the members of different private and shared Teams and remove them if necessary. Removing members of private and shared Teams from multiple Teams is easy with sapio365, and can be done in just a few clicks and no PowerShell scripting.

“This morning I was cleaning out empty Microsoft Teams Groups. sapio365 is a great help here. It helped me discover them, isolate them and delete them. I could have done this with PowerShell but you need to test everything. You need a test tenant and then you can’t reproduce everything in a test environment. So, it would have taken me for sure a day or more.”

Kaspars Caune, LMT.

Gain better visibility
and control of file sharing

Create a custom report on document sharing

How employees share documents can cause elevated risk in organization, but it can be difficult to find out who is sharing documents. sapio365 provides visibility so admins can report on which employees are sharing confidential documents.

Securely delegate Microsoft 365 IT tasks using granular roles

Create custom roles

Create unlimited custom roles on Microsoft 365 with sapio365’s role-based access control (RBAC). You can customize roles to enable admin rights that are exactly as wide or as narrow as you need. Get all the details on how to delegate tasks securely.

Delegate securely

Any actions executed in sapio365 are logged so it’s easy to identify which users have accessed or changed something and when. These logs are restricted to global admins and non-admins who are sapio365 Activity Log Managers.

Admins just like you are lowering risk by delegating using custom roles

“Using Microsoft 365 to delegate tasks didn’t work for me. The permissions were either too narrow and they couldn’t get the job done or they were too wide making it too dangerous. Using the role-based access control in sapio365, I can control which staff member has access to what.”

Frederick H, IT administrator, Equipment Manufacturer

How sapio365
empowers IT admins

With its powerful capabilities, sapio365 is a supercharged Microsoft 365 Explorer. It allows you identify lurking security issues.

20/20 Vision & 100% control

See all user data in one place
Gain 360-degree visibility of all Microsoft 365 data in one place. You’ll be able to see the big picture and make sense of it all. See which users are sharing which documents and how.

Easy problem tracking & isolation

Identify, compare and analyze
Sort, filter, categorize and analyze data using powerful analytical tools right inside sapio365. Create custom reports that highlight and present the data you need.

Take bulk actions safely

Preview and confirm
Before making any changes, rest assured that unexpected errors are avoided. Unlike using risky PowerShell scripts, you can preview your changes before saving.

Don’t stop there

Make life easier moving forward

Save custom views and use automation
Create customized views and save them for future use. Automate regular tasks and reporting with ready-to-run reports that deliver quick and consistent results.

These customers have been using sapio365 to reduce security risks

Start managing Microsoft 365 with less risk

Increase collaboration, reduce your task load and empower non-IT staff members – all without compromising security.

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